International Alopecia Day Perth Bowling

Date(s) - 06/08/2022
5:40 pm - 8:00 pm

Categories No Categories

Let’s celebrate International Alopecia Day! 

When: On the 6th of August (International Alopecia Day) at 6 pm we will be doing a 10-pin bowling event! 

Bowlers must arrive at 5:40 pm. 

Adults and kids are all welcome to play as are spectators!  Come along and watch the fun.

Location: Zone Bowling Cannington corner Manning Road and Burton St Cannington (Perth)

Cost: AAAF will pay the cost of anyone with Alopecia to bowl, but others must fund themselves. For people who do not experience alopecia: We will be playing two games each. The total price for these two games is: Adult: $24.90, Kids/Concession: $22.90

Food and drinks are available for purchase at the venue.

Please RSVP by 27th July as we will need to make a reservation. When you RSVP, please make payment or specify that you have Alopecia. 


Please email the name of bowlers if they have alopecia and ages to

For players who do not have alopecia, please transfer funds to Greg O’Rourke 016112 350671496 with the note: bowling_surname

If you have any questions please email